Genuine Student Requirement and 485 Score Changes
You can book an appointment with me to understand about these changes in detail.

Department of Home Affairs made quite a few changes (actually big) which I have not seen in a very long time. Now most of us know the major changes are related to the English language test rquirements for these visas. Let’s dive into the changes and my take on how these changes are going to impact current and future students and 485 visa applicants.

485 Visa Applicants
Let me start with 485 visa. Main changes that I can see is English test score will be valid only for ONE YEAR and the score has been raised to IELTS Overall 6.5 and No Band less than 5.5. Seems easy to remember. But lets look at the PTE conversion
To be eligible for 485 visa your PTE(A) test results must be

OVERALL: 57 Listening : 43 Reading: 48 Writing: 51 and Speaking: 42.

I have highlighted Writing 51 because my experience shows that many students undertaking Trade Course may not be able to get this score. So, those who are not confident in their scores need to start practising now. You need to start taking Coaching if you need to.
My suggestion – do not leave your English Practice and tests to the last minute.
If you are unable to get these scores- you might have to go back on a Student visa to study a higher AQF level course as the changes in student visas themselves are profound.

Student Visa (Genuine Student Requirement)
Much have been spoken and written about the Genuine Student Requirement and English scores. I will not delve into that. One thing I feel will impact the most for ONSHORE students who are planning to extend their 500 visa (apply for a new 500 visa) will have to keep a good record of their eCOE’s beginning from the one that you were issues while you were in your home country.

If you have had eCOE Cancellation, withdrawal- you will have to provide these details in addition to any eCOE completed and/or continuing. The impact of this may be that if you fail to declare these in your visa application – it may amount to lying on your visa application form. The case officer may then send you a section 57 notice related to PIC 4020. This is the worst request that you can get which may lead to a three year Australian Visa Ban if not responded properly.

eCOE Hopping
While eCOE Hopping came to a halt last year, this new GS requirement should put it to a complete stop. Now students must understand that they will not get a further Student visa if they keep changing their course. This brings me to my next topic.

Conditions 8503 and 8534 (and 8535 for Commonwealth Supported Places)
There was a time back in early 2010’s where High Risk Students would get a No Further Stay Condition on their visas. These students could apply for a 485 visa but no other visas once their current visa expired.
If this starts happening again for High Risk Students- it effectively means that you need to complete your studies within your visa period, get the necessary scores and apply for a 485 visa. If you cannot complete your studies on time- you will have two options:
1. Apply for a Waiver (rare chances to get it) OR
2. Go offshore and apply for a new student visa.

My suggestion- check your Student visa grant conditions carefully. If your visa has any of the above conditions- make sure you complete your studies and apply for 485 visa. This means you will need to plan your stay in Australia properly and implement it.

The impacts of these changes are yet to be seen. It seems that genuine students may not be affected because of these changes. But those who are not interested in their studies or are using the student visa program as a way to earn money in Australia- they need to rethink their goals and act accordingly.

I am now waiting for the Skills in Demand Visas and end to the 485 Extension regime. It is being heard that they may happen in mid 2024 but who knows.

Sanat G
Registered Migration Agent
MARN 1466755

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